So you too, when you do all the things which are commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy slaves; we have done only that which we ought to have done.
— Luke 17:10 (NASB 77)

Andy and Kim Harrison

I grew up in a Christian home. When I was seven years old I had a friend who was doing things my parents had taught me not to do. My mother used the questions I was asking her about my friend’s behavior as an opportunity to share with me about sin, how we were all sinners, and our need to trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. I made my decision public in April of 1969 at Woodlawn Baptist Church in Little Rock, AR. I have not doubted my faith or what God did in me since that time so long ago. God was especially kind to me by bringing a man into my life when I was a junior in high school, who had been trained by The Navigators, and who started a small group bible study with me, my brother, and six other guys. John discipled me for three years. In that time, God matured my faith and helped me to see the value of bible study, prayer, scripture memory, witnessing, and fellowship. I believe those three years are what God used to ready my heart for His call to gospel ministry. God has been exceedingly good to me. Colossians 2:6 says, “Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.” This is what I have sought to do since I was seven years old.
— Andy Harrison