Andy and Kim Harrison
On August 13th, Trinity Baptist Church voted on members to form the Pastor Search Committee. Based on the number of votes, the church chose five members: Andy Harrison, Les Robertson, Shelley Robertson, Travis Thompson, and Michelle Wood, and two alternates: Gary Alfred and Michael Davis.
Since their first meeting on August 20th, the Pastor Search Committee has met diligently to seek the Lord’s guidance. Being so kind, the Lord gave them unity of mind, clarity in communication, and wise discernment.
After persistent urging from within the committee, on October 22nd, one of the committee members recused himself.
After reviewing dozens of resumes and listening to or watching countless sermons, the committee attempted to get a good picture of each candidate. After an extensive questionnaire and rigorous interview, the committee voted unanimously to extend a call to Andy Harrison, believing he is the man God has prepared to lead our church.
On Sunday, November 12th, our Pastor Search Committee announced that Andy would be preaching on Sunday, November 19th in view of a call with a Special Business Meeting in the evening. During that meeting and with overwhelming support, our church voted to call Andy to be our next pastor!
God has been so gracious to Trinity Baptist Church and we are so grateful.